Welia Health Connections
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May 05 2021

Mental health matters, period.

May 5, 2021  /   Mental Health  /   1-minute read

Shining a light on mental health

Each May, NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) promotes Mental Health Awareness month. The organization is committed to fighting stigma, providing support and education, and advocating for policies that benefit people with mental illness and their families.

The past year and the start of 2021 have been challenging. We understand you may need some help navigating fear, worry and stress that seems to have compounded ten-fold with COVID. You’re not alone. A quick Google search displays countless stories and studies about how the pandemic has impacted mental health across the world.

Welia Health is committed to providing mental health services and information to help make a difference to the communities we serve. We have multiple providers and resources available in our area, many at no or low cost. Your mental health is important to living your healthiest and best life.

Help is available

We’ve compiled a list of local resources including crisis, counseling and psychiatry organizations.

Welia Health has several mental health providers available. Many of them have same-day openings to meet immediate needs. Mental health services are offered at our Mora and Pine City campuses. Please call 320.679.1313 to schedule an appointment.

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Mental health

Caring for your emotional, psychological and overall well-being.

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