We all know that eating too much sugar isn’t good for us, yet many of us are probably still overdoing it. Americans average over 20 teaspoons of sugar each day – well over the recommended limit of 9 teaspoons per day for men, and 6 teaspoons per day for women. A single 12-ounce can of regular soda contains 10 teaspoons of sugar and has zero nutritional benefits! Sugary drinks, candy, baked goods and sweetened dairy products are the main culprits, but even savory foods like breads and tomato sauce contain added sugar. These added sugars can be hard to spot on nutrition labels since they can be listed under a number of different names, including corn syrup, agave nectar, palm sugar, cane juice, sucrose and others.
No matter what it’s called, sugar is sugar – and in excess, it negatively affects our bodies in many ways. Take a look at the following ways that too much sugar can mess with our health:
- Increased risk of heart disease – A study of over 25,800 adults found that individuals who consumed more added sugar had a greater risk of developing heart disease – the number one cause of death worldwide. People who get 1/4 or more of their daily calories from sugar are twice as likely to die from heart disease.
- Increased risk of diabetes – Sugary drinks in particular can boost our odds of developing type 2 diabetes. This is because when sugar stays in our blood, our bodies react by making less insulin (which converts the foods we eat into energy), as well as causing the insulin to not work as well.
- Increased risk of liver disease – If we regularly pump fructose (a simple sugar from fruits or veggies like corn) or high fructose corn syrup into our bodies, we can overload our liver – leading to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). In the liver, fructose is converted into energy or stored as glycogen. The liver can only store so much glycogen before excess amounts are turned into fat. NAFLD results from too much fat built up in the liver. One study showed that people who daily drink sugar-sweetened beverages have a 56% higher risk of developing NAFLD than those who do not consume sugar-sweetened drinks on a daily basis.
- High blood pressure – Usually salt gets the blame for this condition (also called hypertension), but researchers say too much sugar may be just as likely to cause high blood pressure because of the way it causes a spike in insulin levels – making our blood vessels less flexible and causing our kidneys to retain too much water and sodium.
- High cholesterol – Excess sugar causes a hike in triglycerides and hinders the work of enzymes that break down blood fats. Sugary diets raise our “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and lower our “good” cholesterol (HDL). Regardless of how much we weigh, high cholesterol is bad for our health.
- Obesity – Added sugars lead to added weight. A person who drinks just one can of regular soda every day without trimming calories elsewhere, will be 15 pounds heavier in 3 years! Carrying extra weight on our bodies increases our risk of many diseases and other health complications.
- Accelerated aging – Too much sugar can add years to our biological age. DNA called telomeres act as protective caps to keep the ends of our chromosomes from deteriorating. The longer the telomeres, the better. Telomeres are shortened by sugar consumption – and shortened telomeres go hand-in-hand with increased cellular aging. The aging process of our skin is also affected by too much sugar. Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are compounds formed by the reaction between sugar and protein in our bodies. These AGEs can damage collagen and elastin, the proteins that help the skin stretch and retain its youthful appearance.
- Cavities – Sugar feeds the bacteria in our mouths, leaving behind acid that wears away the enamel on our teeth, resulting in cavities. Sweetened drinks, candy and dried fruits are common offenders, but sour candies are among the worst. They’re almost as acidic as battery acid!
- Mood problems – Studies have discovered a link between sugar and mental health problems. Too much sugar can cause swelling or inflammation of the brain, a condition which is more common in people with depression and anxiety.
- Poor sleep – Too much sugar during the day impacts blood glucose levels causing energy spikes and crashes. We may struggle to stay awake at work or doze off in class at school. In the evenings, a bowl of ice cream or a few cookies pumps us with sugar that can wake us up at night and rob us of our time in beneficial deep sleep. Let’s improve our health by reducing our sugar intake!
Sugar in Disguise
Here are just some of the ways that sugar can be listed on ingredients labels:
- sucrose
- glucose
- fructose
- maltose
- fruit juice
- cane juice
- molasses
- agave nectar
- corn syrup
- hydrolysed starch
- invert or palm sugar
- honey
Read Package Labels
When a food contains 22.5g or more of total sugar per 100g, that food is high in sugar. When a food contains 5g or less of total sugar per 100g, that food is low in sugar.
How to Reduce Sugar Intake
Although consuming small amounts now and then is perfectly healthy, it’s wise to cut back on added sugar whenever possible. Here are some tips to help make this healthy lifestyle change:
- Focus on eating whole, unprocessed food
- Swap sodas, energy drinks, juices and sweetened teas for water or unsweetened seltzer
- Sweeten plain yogurt with fresh or frozen berries instead of buying flavored, sugar-loaded yogurt
- Replace candy with a homemade trail mix of fruit, nuts, and a small amount of dark chocolate chips
- Use olive oil and vinegar in place of sweet salad dressings like honey mustard
- Choose marinades and marinara sauce with zero added sugars
- Look for cereals, granola and granola bars with less than 4 grams of sugar per serving
- Replace that morning bowl of cereal with an omelet made with fresh spinach leaves
- Use natural nut butter in place of sweet spreads like Nutella
- Shop the perimeter of the grocery store, focusing on fresh, whole ingredients
The best way to limit our added sugar intake is to prepare our own healthy meals at home and avoid depending on prepackaged meals and fast food whenever possible. We can do this!
Happy, Healthy Eating!
3 important things to remember:
- Too much sugar negatively impacts our health
- Read labels and know the many names for “sugar”
- Avoid fast food and make healthy meals at home