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Sneezing. Itchy, watery eyes. Stuffed nose. Headaches. Wheezing. If you are suffering from these symptoms, you may have allergies. Our ENT specialist will work with you to develop a personalized plan to help you effectively treat your allergies.
Our allergy specialist will help you recognize and identify symptoms and triggers, conduct tests to accurately diagnose problematic allergens, and make recommendations to minimize discomfort and ultimately provide relief.
A referral from your primary care provider may be required. Please check with your insurance carrier.
Allergy testing may include a skin or blood test to determine what substance, or allergen, triggers an allergic response in a person. Skin tests are considered to be rapid, reliable, and generally less expensive than blood tests, however, blood tests may be used with individuals who do not respond well to skin testing.
After allergy tests are completed and the results are explained, one treatment option involves treating your allergies with a series of shots in a doctor’s office. Shots will be administered for approximately 30 weeks, gradually tapering for the next three to five years. By gradually increasing the allergen into your system, your immune system will become less sensitive to it, reducing the symptoms triggering the allergic reaction.
A new treatment for allergies from AllergyChoices is available that does NOT include shots or visits to the clinic. Allergy drops work similarly to allergy shots by delivering a slowly increasing dose of physician-prescribed antigen that builds the body’s tolerance to the allergens that cause your allergy symptoms. The difference is that the drops are placed under the tongue and affect the immune system through very specialized cells found there. Research shows these cells are a friendlier and more effective route for long-term tolerance, making it ideal for people who can’t tolerate or don’t respond to allergy shots. Treatment for most patients lasts between three to five years, depending upon severity of allergies and patient compliance.
Source: AllergyChoices, Inc.