Child immunizations
Your Welia Health provider will discuss the typical well-child schedule and related immunizations at each appointment. The following vaccines are recommended for children ages 2 months to 16 years. Please talk to your Welia Health family medicine provider with questions or concerns.

If the first dose is given 12-23 mos, booster needed in 8 wks. If the first dose is given at 24-59 mos, series is complete in one dose.
If the first dose is given 12-14 mos, booster needed in 8 wks. If the first dose is given at 15-59 mos, series is complete in one dose.
Kinrix® can ONLY be used for fifth dose of DTaP. Must be Infanrix® if the child is 4-6yo and this will be their fourth dose and then no more; series is complete.
Newborns must be 6 weeks old for first set of shots (except HepB) at birth. Don’t start Rotarix® if baby is older then 14-1/2 weeks old or give Rotarix® after 8 mos.
2, 4 and 6 month shots can be given early as long as they are at least 28 days between injections.
If given at ages 9-14, 2 shots separated by 6 month. If given after 15yo is a 3-shot series, second shot is 1-2 months after the first shot, and third shot is given 4 mos after the second shot.
If given at ages 11-12, booster needed at age 16. If given at ages 13-15, booster needed in 3 yrs. Only one shot needed if 16 yo or older.
Tdap Boostrix® given in third trimester of EVERY pregnancy no matter when the last one was given.
ProQuad® can only be used at 4-12 years and given subcutaneously.
Recommended annually for everyone 6mo and older.
Recommended annually for everyone 6mo and older. 2-shot series 3 weeks apart.
- Consider for high-risk patients: Hep B, Hep A, TIV or LAIV, PPSV23, MCV4.
- High-risk and immigrant populations, for more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or Minnesota Department of Health.
Call Welia Health at 1.800.245.5671 or 320.679.1313.