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Archives: Parent Services

Hip replacement

Any place in the body where two or more bones meet is called a joint. The hip is one of the largest weight-bearing joints in your body and can be thought of as a ball and socket. Constant wear and tear on the protective covering called cartilage – used to keep the joint moving smoothly – can instead leave the joint stiff and painful.

Several conditions can lead to hip pain, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, post-traumatic arthritis, avascular necrosis, and childhood hip disease.

What is hip replacement?

Welia Health’s orthopedic specialists are experienced in performing joint replacements, most commonly, replacements of the hip, knee and shoulder. During a total hip replacement, the damaged cartilage and bone will be removed, and the new metal, plastic, or ceramic implants will be positioned to restore the alignment and function of the hip.

What symptoms are common?

Symptoms may come on gradually and may come and go. They may occur after walking, bending or climbing stairs. Pain may begin to appear while sitting, laying down or sleeping and may last for longer periods of time. Most patients first feel pain in the groin or on the side of the back of the hip. Pain may also extend down the thigh to the knee. Hips may also feel stiff or tight.

When is surgery recommended?

Structure of the artificial hip joint.

In order to determine the cause and severity of the hip condition, our orthopedic specialists conduct a series of diagnostic tests, which may include simple x-rays to more sophisticated MRI imaging, comprehensive physical examination and a thorough medical history review.

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons suggests several reasons why hip replacement surgery may be recommended:

  • Hip pain that limits everyday activities, such as walking or bending
  • Hip pain that continues while resting, either day or night
  • Stiffness in a hip that limits the ability to move or lift the leg
  • Inadequate pain relief from anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, or walking supports

In most cases, patients will follow a more conservative treatment plan to control symptoms without surgery. This may include an exercise and/or weight loss program, a walking aid such as a cane, or medical therapy. If these nonsurgical treatments do not provide relief, hip replacement may be recommended. In these cases, the Welia Health team spends ample time with each surgical patient to review potential risks and complications, including those related to the surgery and others that can occur over time following surgery

What can I expect from surgery?

If both the Welia orthopedic specialist and patient determine that surgical treatment is the best approach, the orthopedic specialist guides each patient through the entire process to prepare them for what to expect before, during and following the procedure, including the first steps following surgery and the full recovery process.

You will most likely stay in the hospital for a few days. To protect your hip during early recovery, a positioning splint, such as a foam pillow placed between your legs, may be used. Because some pain is normal during recovery, medications are often used on a short-term basis to aid recovery. Walking is important after surgery and will likely begin the day after surgery. Physical therapy, which will start the day following surgery, strengthens the muscles around the hip and helps to restore movement.

A patient’s active engagement in their recovery process is critical to long-term success. The importance of following recommendations on nutrition, exercise and medications cannot be overstated.

The majority of patients are able to perform daily activities more easily after hip replacement surgery. Most people can expect their hip replacement to last for many years, giving them an improved quality of life with less pain, along with improved motion and strength.

Orthopedic services are available in Mora, Hinckley and Pine City. Call Welia Health at 320.679.1313 or schedule an appointment using MyChart.

A referral may be required from your primary care provider, please check with your insurance carrier.

Archives: Parent Services

Knee replacement

Any place in the body where two or more bones meet is called a joint. Because of their nature and constant motion, it’s not uncommon for joints to become damaged by injuries, arthritis or other diseases. Put more simply, our joints suffer wear and tear over time. Patients with joint problems, specifically knee problems, often experience pain, stiffness and swelling, which can significantly impact their quality of life.

What is a knee replacement?

Welia Health’s orthopedic specialists are experienced in performing joint replacements, most commonly, replacements of the knee, hip and shoulder. During a total knee replacement, the damaged cartilage and bone are trimmed out and replaced with a metal cap which is called a prosthesis. The prosthesis is designed to replicate the movement of a normal, healthy knee.

When is surgery recommended?

Knee replacement

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons suggests several reasons why knee replacement surgery may be recommended:

  • A knee that has become bowed as a result of severe arthritis
  • Severe knee pain or stiffness that limits your everyday activities, including walking, climbing stairs, and getting in and out of chairs. You may find it hard to walk more than a few blocks without significant pain, and you may need to use a cane or walker
  • Moderate or severe knee pain while resting, either day or night
  • Chronic knee inflammation and swelling that does not improve with rest or medications
  • Knee deformity — a bowing in or out of your knee
  • Failure to substantially improve with other treatments such as anti-inflammatory medications, cortisone injections, lubricating injections, physical therapy, or other surgeries

In most cases, patients will follow a more conservative treatment plan to control symptoms without surgery. This may include an exercise program, walking aids such as braces or canes, physical therapy, or medical therapy to reduce inflammation. In cases where arthritis may be present, corticosteroids may be used to address inflammation and pain.

If these nonsurgical treatments do not provide relief, knee replacement may be recommended. In these cases, the Welia Health team spends ample time with each surgical patient to review potential risks and complications, including those related to the surgery and others that can occur over time following surgery.

What can I expect from surgery?

If both the Welia Health orthopedic specialist and patient determine that surgical treatment is the best approach, the orthopedic specialist guides the patient through the entire process to prepare them for what to expect before, during and following the procedure, including the first steps following surgery and the full recovery process.

For most patients, a walker or crutches will be used to aid in the first steps after surgery, which often occur the same day as surgery. While some pain is normal during recovery, medications are often used on a short-term basis to aid recovery. Physical therapy, which will start the day following surgery, strengthens the muscles around the knee and helps regain range of motion.

A patient’s active engagement in their recovery process is critical to long-term success.  The importance of following recommendations on nutrition, exercise and medications cannot be overstated.

The majority of patients are able to perform daily activities more easily after knee replacement surgery. Most people can expect their knee replacement to last for many years, giving them an improved quality of life with less pain, along with improved motion and strength.

Orthopedic services are available in Mora, Hinckley and Pine City. Call Welia Health at 320.679.1313 or schedule an appointment using MyChart.

A referral may be required from your primary care provider, please check with your insurance carrier.

Archives: Parent Services


Among the most common urogynecological conditions, and one that many women find difficult to talk about is urinary incontinence.

At least one in four Americans suffers from incontinence. Urinary incontinence is twice as common in women as in men and far more common in older women than younger ones. For anyone with urinary incontinence, it’s not just a medical concern, it’s a problem that impacts one’s emotional, social and psychological life.

Symptoms of urinary incontinence

If it’s a concern for you, take a few minutes to review the symptoms below.

  • Frequent, strong or sudden urination-day, night, or both
  • Accidental leakage with physical activity-exercising, sneezing, or coughing
  • Leakage with little or no warning-sometimes unable to make it to the bathroom in time
  • Unable to completely empty bladder-feels like there is more even after going to the bathroom
  • Pain in the bladder or pelvic area
  • Problems with bowel function such as:
    • Accidental loss or leakage of stool
    • Constipation

It’s possible to put an end to the worrying. Treatment options are available.

Learn more today by calling Welia Health at 1.800.245.5671.

Archives: Parent Services

Breast health and advanced mammography

Welia Health now offers advanced mammography called 3D tomo at its Mora and Pine City clinics.

Facts about breast cancer

    • In 2023, the American Cancer Society estimated that 1 in 8 women would develop breast cancer during the course of their life, making it the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the US.
    • Exploring statistics by race and ethnicity, black women are more likely to die from breast cancer other than any other racial or ethnic group.
    • Having a first-degree relative (mother, sister, daughter) diagnosed with breast cancer doubles a woman’s risk of getting breast cancer.
    • 85% of breast cancers occur in women who have no family history of breast cancer.
    • Significant risk factors for breast cancer include being a woman and getting older.
    • Although more common among women, an estimated 1 in 833 men develop breast cancer during the course of their life.
    • Earlier detection and available treatments have reduced the death rate of women and have been steadily decreasing since 1989.

3D tomo mammography screenings

Three-dimensional (3D) tomosynthesis, often referred to as 3D tomo, is an advanced imaging screening exam used to identify possible signs of cancer in breast tissue. It is particularly useful in screening women with dense breast tissue. Because 3D mammography provides images of the breast in “slices” from many different angles, finding and assessing any abnormalities is thought to be superior with 3D imaging. Welia Health offers these exams using the DIMENSIONS™ 3D mammography technology.

Why choose the DIMENSIONS™ 3D mammography exam?

  • Earlier detection – Only mammogram proven to detect breast cancer 15 months earlier
  • Greater peace of mind – Reduces unnecessary callbacks by up to 40%
  • More accurate – Finds 41% more invasive cancers than conventional mammograms alone

Frequently asked questions

What should I expect during the exam?

The process of a 3D exam is the same as a conventional 2D exam, only the results are more accurate. The technologist will position you, compress your breast, and take images from different angles. There is no additional compression required with the 3D exam, and it only takes a few extra seconds.

Who can have a 3D tomo mammography?

3D tomo offers a more accurate exam for women of all ages with both dense and non-dense breasts.

What about radiation?

The Dimensions™ 3D mammography exam delivers a low dose of radiation, well within FDA guidelines, comparable to a 2D mammogram.

How does the exam work?

The 3D exam allows doctors to examine breast tissue layer by layer. Instead of viewing all of the complexities of your breast tissue in a flat image as with conventional 2D mammography, fine details are more visible and are no longer hidden by the tissue above or below. Think of the pages in a book. If you look down at the cover, you cannot see all of the pages, but when you open it up, you can go through the entire book page by page to see everything between the covers.

What about the cost of a 3D mammography?

Conventional two-dimensional screening mammograms are available at no cost for patients covered by healthcare insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Some insurers will not cover 3D mammograms, and others charge women a surcharge, typically between $40-$60.

For women who may need financial assistance, the Minnesota Department of Health offers the SAGE Screening Program. Since 1991, the SAGE provider network has grown to over 450 clinic sites across Minnesota, providing breast and cervical cancer screening to more than 150,000 women.


Schedule an appointment today

Appointments are available at our Mora and Pine City clinics. Call Welia Health at 1.800.245.5671 or 320.225.3447 today.


Archives: Parent Services

Checklist for keeping healthy as you age

Women 65+ years of age

At Welia Health, we view aging as a privilege and believe that advancing in age does not have to mean sacrificing health and vitality. 

Optimal health begins with nutrition, exercise and annual well-visits. Welia Health’s Women’s Health providers offer expertise and guidance to help you maintain health and well-being at this stage of your life. They also recognize the importance of proactively addressing age-related issues such as prolapse, incontinence, osteoporosis, heart disease, arthritis or mental health concerns. From routine maintenance to advanced care, Welia providers want to support you with your health goals and help you age wonderfully.

For women with Medicare Part B insurance coverage, your no-cost annual wellness visit is an important step to help you focus on managing your overall health and preventing disease while providing a valuable opportunity to talk to your provider about your wellness. Breast and pelvic exams are covered every other year.

Ask your provider about the following during your annual exam.

  • COVID-19
  • Flu
  • Tetanus-Diptheria-Pertussis
  • Pneumococcal
  • Herpes Zoster (Shingles)

Review your age-specific preventive care checklist with your provider.

Archives: Parent Services

Checklist for the menopausal years

Women in their 50s and early 60s

One of the significant health milestones for women as we age, is menopause. While it is a natural part of aging, it is all too common to feel unprepared about what to expect. 

With a Welia Women’s Health provider by your side, you’ll have someone to guide you, answer your questions, help you set expectations, and manage symptoms. You will also determine a plan for promoting your long-term health, including determining your risk for osteoporosis, cancer, and heart disease. With a Welia provider’s expertise, you’ll proactively manage challenges and pursue strategies that allow you to enjoy this stage of your life to the fullest. 

For women with Medicare Part B insurance coverage, your no-cost annual wellness visit is an important step to help you focus on managing your overall health and preventing disease while providing a valuable opportunity to talk to your provider about your wellness. Breast and pelvic exams are covered every other year.

Ask your provider about the following during your annual exam.

  • COVID-19
  • Flu
  • Tetanus-Diptheria-Pertussis
  • Pneumococcal
  • Herpes Zoster (Shingles)

Review your age-specific preventive care checklist with your provider.

Archives: Parent Services

Checklist for the transitional years

Women in their 40s

With a Welia Women’s Health provider helping you, you’ll live the full, vibrant life you want. In addition to routine preventive care, including annual exams and mammograms, your provider will also help you navigate any changes in your health that you might experience, such as irregular or heavy periods, fibroids, incontinence, sexual concerns, weight gain, acne or changes in mental health. You may also want to learn more about permanent birth control options, as well as lifestyle changes to help you manage sleep disruptions and stress.   

Ask your provider about the following during your annual exam.

  • COVID-19
  • Flu
  • Tetanus-Diptheria-Pertussis
  • Pneumococcal

Review your age-specific preventive care checklist with your provider.

Archives: Parent Services

Checklist for the menstrual and childbearing years

Teens and women in their 20s and 30s

As a young woman, you’re building the life that you want for yourself. You may also have questions and concerns ranging from cramps, heavy periods, sexual health, acne, nutrition, mental health, infertility, reproductive health, prenatal care, high-risk pregnancies, and breastfeeding.

Don’t worry. There is no question that is off limits when you meet with a Welia Health Women’s Health provider. Each is prepared to guide you, helping you understand all the physical and emotional changes at this stage in your life. There’s no better time to be proactive and prepared.

Ask your provider about the following during your annual exam.

  • COVID-19
  • Flu
  • Tetanus-Diptheria-Pertussis
  • HPV
  • Meningococcal
  • Hepatitis A

Review your age-specific preventive care checklist with your provider.

Archives: Parent Services

Women’s Health checklists

Welia Women’s Health providers offer comprehensive and compassionate care at every stage of life by understanding and responding to their specific needs and concerns.

Learn more about managing your health by selecting one of the checklists below:

Call Welia Health at 1.800.245.5671 today and schedule your appointment in Mora, Hinckley or Pine City. 

Archives: Parent Services

Care coordination

Welia Health’s approach to your whole health care utilizes a team of care coordinators. This team includes your primary care provider (physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant), pharmacists, rehabilitation therapists, spouse and family members.

The team approach

The approach to care has many benefits, including:

  • Improving your overall health plan and quality of life through shared decision-making processes
  • Getting you the right care at the right time and at the right place
  • Helping you establish connections with specialists, appointments, community services and resources

Learn how Welia Health improves patient care through innovation.

We care about your health and well-being which is why our goal is to help you manage and understand complicated health conditions and chronic illnesses by supporting you to stay healthy and avoid unnecessary emergency department visits and or hospitalization.

Welia Health Care Coordination Mission

As part of our discharge process, our care coordinators also follow up with you within 48 business hours after your hospital stay to check in to see how you are recovering, review and help you understand any new medications and make sure you are able to care for yourself.

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